Assessing the impact of the Racial Equality Directive: A survey of trade unions and employers in the Member States of the European Union

Duration: 01/2009 - 09/2009
Status: completed
Research area: Industrial relations and co-determination
Key project staff: Roland Atzmüller, Bettina Haidinger
Funded by: Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA)
Cooperation: Working Lives Research Institute London (WLRI)

The project aims at exploring the degree of awareness of the social partners in the Racial Equality Directive and is looking at their responses to the national legislation that has been transposed as a result of the Racial Equality Directive. It will further explore the factors behind the low level of complaints of racial and ethnic discrimination in employment. The project will identify good practices in the variety of transposition measures actually adopted, to analyse the impact of the Directive on behaviours, and to formulate opinions and conclusions on how the Directive could be made more effective. The project covers all member countries of the European Union. FORBA is responsible for the Austrian national report.

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