
Research at the institute specialises in issues of work and employment. Within this clearly defined profile, it covers a broad range of topics and activities.

FORBA’s research areas deal with the micro level of the individual, social interaction and working conditions and the meso level of the organisation or network as well as with the macro level of the labour market and global economy. Research practice at the institute relies on a series of qualitative and quantitative methods. Special features of research at FORBA include its multidisciplinary character and openness to many forms of cooperation. Although grant-funded academic research currently predominates, the institute’s strengths also include contract and policy-consultancy research.

Research areas

Research projects

Project titleKey project staffStatusDuration
European Observatory of Working Life (EurWORK), current periodBernadette Allinger, Georg Adam, Anna Fidrmucongoing03/2022 - 02/2026
European Monitoring Centre of Change (EMCC), current periodBernadette Allingerongoing03/2022 - 02/2026
European Observatory on Quality of Life (EurLIFE), laufende PeriodeBernadette Allingerongoing03/2022 - 02/2026
SOZÖKNET AK – Arbeit in der sozial-ökologischen TransformationHubert Eichmann, Sarah Nowak, Cornelia Prentnerongoing01/2023 - 12/2025
Wie gelingt eine qualifikationsadäquate Beschäftigung von nach Österreich geflüchteten Menschen?Ingrid Mairhuber, Bernadette Allinger, Johanna Neuhauserongoing12/2024 - 12/2025
Humanisierung digitaler ArbeitPhilip Schörpf, Agnes Fessler, Myriam Gaitschongoing05/2024 - 10/2025
Arbeitsbedingungen von Kameraleuten in EuropaGeorg Adam, Andreas Schadauerongoing01/2024 - 04/2025
Begleitanalyse der sozialökologischen Transformation der voestalpineHubert Eichmannongoing11/2024 - 04/2025
Diskriminierung von Frauen im österreichischen LiteraturbetriebMyriam Gaitsch, Georg Adam, Andreas Schadauer, Bernadette Allinger, Cornelia Prentnerongoing04/2024 - 02/2025
Combining employment with informal care for the aged (COMBECA). Eine internationale Studie zur Vereinbarkeit von Erwerbstätigkeit und Angehörigenpflege in Betrieben in Österreich und in der SchweizKarl Krajic (Projektleitung), Ingrid Mairhuber, Charlotte Dötig, Viktoria Quehenbergerongoing03/2021 - 01/2025