The labour market actors (labour, management, trade unions, state, etc.) are embedded in institutional structures that shape the relationships between these actors.

The research area ‘industrial relations and co-determination’ addresses issues of regulation of these relationships and participation at an individual, sectoral and international level.

The research is focused on the following topics:

  • Company and external co-determination
  • Analysis of national institutions and industrial relations practices
  • International comparison at sectoral level
  • International collective bargaining
  • Practices of European Works Councils
  • Development of international framework agreements

Research projects

Project titleKey project staffStatusDuration
Provision of representativeness studies on the banking and insurance sectorsGeorg Adamcompleted11/2017 - 09/2018
European Platform on Tackling Undeclared Work: Seminar on road transportBettina Haidingercompleted01/2018 - 07/2018
Firmenübernahmen und Firmenbeteiligungen durch chinesische Investoren in Österreich aus der Sicht der betrieblichen AkteureGeorg Adam, Hubert Eichmanncompleted12/2017 - 06/2018
European Observatory of Working Life (EurWORK), 2014 – 2018Bernadette Allinger, Manfred Krenn, Christoph Hermann, Georg Adamcompleted03/2014 - 02/2018
European Monitoring Centre of Change (EMCC) 2014 – 2018Bernadette Allinger, Manfred Krenn, Christoph Hermann, Georg Adamcompleted03/2014 - 02/2018
Peer Review on “Towards a more dynamic collective bargaining”Georg Adamcompleted08/2017 - 11/2017
Förderung von Vereinbarkeit für berufstätige Familien und Betreuungspersonen, EurWORK Annual Review 2016Bernadette Allinger, Ingrid Mairhuber, Bettina Stadlercompleted01/2017 - 07/2017
Provision of the Representativeness Study on Footwear SectorGeorg Adam, Bernadette Allingercompleted07/2016 - 06/2017
Provision of the Representativeness Study on Tanning and Leather SectorGeorg Adamcompleted07/2016 - 06/2017
Sekundäranalysen aus dem European Company SurveyBettina Stadler, Hubert Eichmann, Laura Allingercompleted11/2016 - 01/2017