The labour market actors (labour, management, trade unions, state, etc.) are embedded in institutional structures that shape the relationships between these actors.

The research area ‘industrial relations and co-determination’ addresses issues of regulation of these relationships and participation at an individual, sectoral and international level.

The research is focused on the following topics:

  • Company and external co-determination
  • Analysis of national institutions and industrial relations practices
  • International comparison at sectoral level
  • International collective bargaining
  • Practices of European Works Councils
  • Development of international framework agreements

Research projects

Project titleKey project staffStatusDuration
European Industrial Relations Observatory (EIRO)Bernadette Allinger, Jörg Fleckercompleted03/2010 - 02/2014
Network of European Observatories (NEO) – ÖsterreichManfred Krenn, Marion Vogt, Bernadette Allingercompleted03/2010 - 02/2014
European Working Conditions Observatory (EWCO)Manfred Krenn, Marion Vogt, Jörg Fleckercompleted03/2011 - 02/2013
Social Dialogue and Participation Strategies in the Global Delivery Industry: Challenging Precarious Employment Relations (SODIPER)Bettina Haidinger, Christine Wagnercompleted12/2010 - 11/2011
Sozialer Dialog in Zeiten der Wirtschaftskrise (Social Dialogue in Times of Global Economic Crisis)Bernadette Allinger, Jörg Flecker completed06/2010 - 09/2011
Mapping study on trade union practices in fighting discrimination and promoting diversity, Case Study Youth RepresentativeBettina Haidingercompleted10/2009 - 12/2009
Assessing the impact of the Racial Equality Directive: A survey of trade unions and employers in the Member States of the European UnionRoland Atzmüller, Bettina Haidingercompleted01/2009 - 09/2009
Kein Betriebsrat, keine Demokratie im Betrieb? Partizipationsformen in KMU der österreichischen Software/IT-Dienstleistungs- und Callcenter-BrancheHubert Eichmann, Annika Schönauer, Ines Hofbauercompleted03/2005 - 02/2006
Entgrenzung von Arbeit und Chancen zur PartizipationManfred Krenn, Jörg Flecker, Ulrike Papouschek, Christoph Hermann, Hubert Eichmanncompleted06/2003 - 06/2005
Collective Bargaining on Employment and Competitiveness in AustriaJörg Flecker, Manuela Blum, Christoph Hermann, Lisa Fischercompleted11/1998 - 05/1999