The 37th International Labour Process Conference (ILPC) will be held in Vienna, Austria, from 24 to 26 April 2019. Each year the ILPC brings together researchers from a variety of countries with the objective of enhancing our understanding of contemporary developments relating to work and employment. The 2019 conference will focus on ‘Fragmentations and Solidarities’ in contemporary work and employment relations. In addition numerous papers on issues concerning the analysis of labour processes, labour markets, labour organising and labour reproduction will be presented.
The conference is hosted by the University of Vienna together with FORBA, the Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU) and Centre for Social Innovation (ZSI).
For further information and registration klick here.
Public Speech: Virginia Doellgast (Corenell University, USA): „From dualization to solidarity: Collective action and precarious work“ 26 April 2019
Labour unions have long relied on traditions of solidarity to build and sustain strong social protections. The expansion of precarious jobs – short-term, unpredictable, and low paid – introduces new divisions in the workforce that weaken solidarity. As employers take advantage of growing options for escaping collective agreements and legislated minimum standards, unions struggle to organize workers across increasingly fissured workplaces. Under what conditions does collective action by unions and other worker organizations succeed in overcoming these challenges? Drawing on research in the US and Europe, I argue that unions are best able to contest the expansion of precarity where they build new inclusive forms of solidarity, based on bridging divisions across groups of workers and in the labour movement.